The Natural Resources Committee is responsible for the annual Crepe Myrtle Trail Ride – one of the legs to the Mobile Greenway Initiative. In 2017, over 300 riders enjoyed the 10.6 mile ride along the western shore of Mobile Bay. Not only does this ride provide a great venue for family exercise and beautiful scenery, but it also brings awareness to one of the three legs of the Mobile Greenway Initiative. The NRC has worked many long and hard hours to improve this ride each year and has increased the ridership well over three times above our first year number.
Another ongoing project of this group is to plan and host the monthly gathering, Mobile Bay Green Drinks. It is the local chapter of an international organization that meets informally on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at Braided River to discuss, promote and network about local and global environmental issues.
Ilka Porter, Mobile Baykeeper
Contact cgibson@mobileunited.org for more information about joining this Task Force.
Natural Resources Task Force Programs

MLK Day of Service
For the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, Our Natural Resources Committee, along with over 300 volunteers from all over Mobile and Baldwin County, served by helping to clean Three Mile Creek. Many thanks to our tremendous partners who helped to make this day and incredible effort happen: Mobile Baykeeper, Alabama Coastal Foundation, Mobile Bay National Estuary Program, Delta Bike Project, City of Mobile, Dog River Clearwater Revival, Mobile County Health Department – MCHD, since 1816, Team Share the Road, The Salvation Army Thrift Store – Mobile, Partners for Environmental Progress (PEP), Weeks Bay Foundation and the Alabama State Port Authority.

Mobile Bay Area Green Drinks
The group plans[nbsp_tc]and hosts the monthly gathering, Mobile Bay Green Drinks. It is the local chapter of an international organization that meets informally on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at Alchemy Tavern Mobile to discuss, promote and network about local and global environmental issues.

Natural Resources Task Force Programs
Since 2014, the committee has organized the Annual Crepe Myrtle Trail Ride. This event offers an historic opportunity to ride the Mobile Bay-side of the Brookley Aeroplex in Mobile. It is the only time people with bikes have access to this part of the proposed Crepe Myrtle Trail. Proceeds from this event are earmarked for the continuing design and construction costs associated with the Trail.