Program Overview

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Program Overview: The following is an outline of the program and notes particular issues that pertain to each respective portion for the committee to consider in its evaluation.

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Program Topics, Issues and Formal Instruction

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The overall objectives of the Leadership Development Program are to:

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Define leadership and various leadership styles

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Analyze the process of leadership

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Examine ethical issues as they relate to leadership and community trusteeship

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Personal assessment of leadership skills and potential

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Set goals (both personal and community)

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Analyze community needs and capacity

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Analyze the problem solving process of the community with specific focus on the subjects covered in the seminars

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Examine group dynamics, community diversity, and leadership networking.

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Retreat and Instruction

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The Opening Retreat will be held as a two-day event at Beckwith Camp and Conference in Fairhope in September. The three primary objectives of the Retreat are to 1) bond class members as a group; 2) to define community trusteeship and leadership styles and provide opportunities for self-assessment; 3) identify gaps in the community where applied leadership could benefit.

Bonding will be accomplished through group exercises and social activities. The first instructional phase will define leadership qualities and styles and provide opportunities for self-assessment. It will also include a segment on community problem solving that will be the basis for future class discussions.

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Once a month, a full day will be allocated for each of the seminars on topics selected by the Appointed Dean, Day Chairs and Director of Programs. The seminars will be both experiential and informational, with substantial interaction and dialogue between the class and the seminar instructors. The final components of each seminar will include class discussion on community problem-solving in the topic area and a caucus meeting with the Dean.

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Midpoint Leadership Instruction

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Phase II of the Instruction focuses on training that prepares the class for working in teams to complete a project. The 1/2 day of instruction takes place in a class room setting. Conflict resolution and the characteristics of successful group dynamics are covered. By the end of the day, the class begins to develop a plan for effective group process and starts thinking concretely about their projects.

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During the four month project phase, each project group will announce a project in their chosen field to be undertaken for the betterment of the community. The Seminar Chairs, Dean and Administrator will serve as consultants to project teams in the topic area. Project teams will be encouraged to make contact with identified community leadership in the topic areas, work with them on specific goals and inviting them to project presentation at the culmination of the program in September.

Project teams will be given specific instructions regarding the assignment and expectations. Work in the topic areas by previous classes will be made available for review and use. Thereafter, the class and project teams will function independently to maximize creativity and innovation.

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During the Project Phase, there will be a class gathering to help maintain class cohesiveness and enjoyment of the process. (If the Dean feels this meeting is necessary, she will plan and date accordingly)

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Project Presentations

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As part of the experiential learning, class members will be required to present their project in a public forum. This will be a one day event in September widely publicized to LM Graduates and open to the general public. Class members will be presented as leaders who have taken action to study, understand and prepare the community for taking action on important issues. In addition to presenting their findings and recommendations, class members will respond to questions. The presentation of class projects will conclude the formal requirement for a Leadership Development Program.

New members of Leadership Mobile will be challenged to become aggressive in their pursuit of leadership roles that will advance the development of the community.

*All graduates are expected to commit to join Leadership Mobile and Mobile United for two years after graduation. Additionally, they are encouraged to seek roles on community boards, commissions, key volunteer leadership positions, or public office if they have not already done so.
